
Cuz if you liked it.... (UPDATED)

I can't get this dang song out of my head.

And while I don't really care what the ring looks like, I'd just like one within the next year or so. (I realized six months isn't really that far away, so I stretched it out a bit.)

Although, on the way to Dallas, I saw a billboard for a jewelry store in Salado called Gregory's, and it had a giant picture of this Claude Thibaudeau (?) ring:

It suits me, no?


Anonymous said...

:-) I would like to say that the surprise is so worth it! I love that "there's a story."

Have a good trip!

sarahsmile3 said...

Where are you going? That ring is very pretty! I like the bar and the curves. I can really feel the results of our workout today, btw.

M--- said...

Me likey!

Amanda said...

nice choice!

Jessica said...

Yes. It does.
It so does. :)