

1. My last haircut was funny you should ask.... it was this afternoon!

2. My most daring hair moment was um. Hmmm. I'm not so "daring" with my hair. Maybe when I got the "Rachel" haircut and had a zillion layers? Does that count as daring?

3. A hairstyle I'd never be brave enough to try is I have to go with the author of this ditty and say a pixie. My face is a little (okay, a lot) chubby for that.

4. I've always dreamt of being a (blonde, brunette or red-head) I would settle for being a natural blonde! ;)

5. My go-to hair do is pony-tail. Duh.

6. My biggest hair disaster was well, probably when I used to highlight it myself when I was in high school. It was supposed to be blonde, but it usually turned out more "orange." Oh well.

7. A hairstyle I am dying to try is a REAL poufy pony-tail. I've looked at tutorials and may or may not have bought a "bumpit", but I just can't get it right.

8. My best hair day was anytime my stylist does it. Or at Sarah's wedding. I loved my updo that day.

9. The worst hairstyle I ever had was oh my. If only I had my baby book handy. Remember I grew up when perms were fashionable. That is all I have to say about that.

10. My hair is just like any other woman's hair. Some days I love it, some days I don't.

Side note related to this topic: My whole life, my hair has grown really slowly. I would have to go 6 months between haircuts just to see it reach my chin. But - surprise, surprise... getting it cut regularly has helped it grow. And now it is even a little past my shoulders. The other day at work, we were doing one of those dorky "whoever has the longest hair in the room goes first" things, and I was the one with the longest hair. That was weird.

1 comment:

sarahsmile3 said...

You did have some beautiful hair at my wedding. Beautiful hair on a beautiful girl.