- colander with pasta utensil, pasta sauce and pasta
- porcelain planter with garden gloves and little garden rake
- patio table tray with outdoor napkins, tablecloth and citronella candle
- ice bucket with small bottle of liquor and swizzle sticks
- basket with notecards, colored pens and stamps
You get the idea.
Well, imagine my surprise and delight when I got a birthday gift from Sarah. I really don't need presents - nobody really does, right? - but they sure are fun to get. Especially when they have a theme! The theme of this gift was "I didn't intentionally wait to buy your birthday present, but it is convenient that I did because since it is Breast Cancer Awareness month, I was able to get you lots of pink things that contributed to a good cause." This is a wonderful theme because:
a.) There are several lovely ladies in my life who have survived breast cancer (mom and Amy to name the ones closest to me)
b.) I like pink.
c.) Just wait until you see what it included.
- pink plastic tumblers
- pink koozies with the "We Can Do It" lady saying "We Can Cure It"
- t-shirt with pink ribbons on a tree
- Ghiradelli almond chocolate bar (in a pink box)
- Rubbermaid takalongs with pink lids
- pink Sharpies
- Orbitz gum in a pink container
- And my personal favorite... .pink ribbon chip clips
To top it off, the birthday card had wiener dogs on it, which I'm obviously a sucker for. I not only love my gift, I love that Sarah knew I would love it. You can't get just anyone disposable tupperware and pink markers, but I'm really the type of person that squealed in excitement as I opened them. So, THANKS!
***Thank you to all of my dear friends who thought of me with thoughts, cards and gifts on my birthday. I love you all and hopefully I didn't hurt your feelings by not dedicating an entire post to you.
Awwwwwww! You're welcome! : )
That Sarah--she is Miss Creativity! Wish I'd thought of that////
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