

I feel like I've already told this story, but don't feel like going back to look. I was waiting for a meeting to start last night and took one of those buzzfeed quizzes... This one was "Which magical creature are you?" Don't judge.  I had a lot of time to kill.

I got mermaid.

It may be pushing it to say I "feel whole" when I'm near the ocean.  I love the beach, but that is a bit much.   Pretty sure anyone who picks Hawaii as a getaway location gets mermaids but whatever. (Italy was not an option.)

Anyway, it made me laugh, because when I was young, I used to pretend I was a mermaid. Sarah and I would get dropped off at Maxey Pool for the day. We would swim, swim, swim and swim some more. (Crazy to think there was ever a day when I didn't care about how I looked in a bathing suit.) Eventually we started pretending that we were mermaids. I was "Pearl" and she was "Scissors."  (Foreshadowing to the type of grown-ups we would eventually be, no? Me in my cardigans and pearls, her in funky classic style....)
I don't remember the story behind this picture, but it still makes me laugh.

Now I'm craving a trip to the beach.  Thanks a lot buzzfeed.


sarahsmile3 said...

Haha! That pic was taken back when I still had my eyebrows waxed. Now I just pluck a hair, here and there.

Jessica said...

BWAHAHAHA! I love this!
P.S. I'm way behind on my blog reading, and it's past midnight because I'm an insomniac now :/... But you haven't blogged in 7 months, soooooo...
I'm behind too, you know, with the moving 4 times in 2 years, having another baby, and going back to work, but I will blog again if you will. :)

Love you, Pearl!