

It was a year ago, the night before Thanksgiving, that I decided to start a blog. Aside from starting grad school and gaining one niece and one nephew, not much has changed, so I'm wondering what in the world I wrote about for a whole year? Oh yeah, my bunion surgery.

Here's hoping that I have no surgeries to post about this year.

And here's hoping that this year is just as blessed. If you're reading this, you're most likely a person that I thank God for every day. (I say "most likely" because I really have no idea who reads this thing.)

Remember to be thankful for your blessings EVERY day, not just Thanksgiving. Cheers!


Amy said...

Happy Blogaversary! I guess that makes me a happy reader of one year :) And good reminder on being thankful everyday - every night before our meal blessing, we take turns expressing something we are thankful for. Usually Adam says "Rosie." Practice makes perfect, right?

sarahsmile3 said...

A very happy blogaversary to you! You write yourself a good blog, lady.

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for you too Rachel!

M--- said...

Happy belated blogeaversary! You know what I'm thankful for?? Finding you again, as an adult, and being able to call you "friend"!