
tick tock

It can be awkward when a male coworker says.... "Can I ask you a personal question?" The coworker in question is a very nice man and not creepy or anything, so I say, "Sure." (Side note - what are you supposed to say to this question?) He proceeds with "Do you want kids? I was playing with my kids last night, and I don't know what made me think of it, but I was just thinking you would be a really good mom." I said, "Well thanks! I want a family, not just some random kids, so we'll see."

But actually, I do remember exactly when it happened. About a year ago, I was at the gym on the elliptical, and IT happened. My biological clock started ticking.

If you haven't hit 30 yet, just wait. It's not a myth. I saw this pregnant lady and thought - hmmm. I could do that. I could be a mom. You see, up to that point, I really wasn't sure. I kind of like being able to come and go as I please and not really be responsible for anything. (aka: I am/was selfish.) But all of a sudden, something in my head/heart/body was all... "Hey self, I would probably be a good mom. I am good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like me." I'm pretty sure I was meant for more than just being a fun girl that throws a good party.

So we'll see what life brings me. I will admit spending time with the nieces and nephews does make me think about it, because they are just so cute and fun. And they say funny things. And they give hugs. And I can color. (And I may or may not like to buy children's clothing.) But really, I think about what my legacy will be. Fortunately I still have a *little* bit of time to see how it all plays out.


sarahsmile3 said...

I was taking a bubble bath when I heard the tick tock. It's CRAZY!

We should totally get pregnant at the same time.
Ha Ha Ha!

Pat said...

I think you'll be a GREAT mom, when the time comes. You're an awesome aunt, and when you were a teen you had a better handle on appropriate behavior of your siblings than I did! God has a plan....

Pat said...

And you really do color very well. Hah!

Anonymous said...

Not that I don't get the urge and if it happened (although, highly unlikely at this point) I wouldn't be devastated, but Colin and I decided a long time ago that we didn't want to have children. We both KNOW we'd be good parents, but we have a list of very good reasons not to - and it only applies to us. Not everyone else. Heck we totally know that we can't even handle a dog!

We love kids - other people's kids, ha ha! Besides - teaching - instant birth control!

Amy said...

You will be a fantastic Mom one day! It's too bad you don't just want random kids, though, because Alan often offers up one of our unborn twins. Nice. Just jokes, of course, but we really don't know what we've gotten ourselves into :-S

Miss Bee said...

Amy, if I change my mind and just want some random kiddo, I'll let you know. ;)

Jessica said...

I can't imagine you NOT being a mom... to a very adorable, very spoiled, very polite but very driven child. :)

And there is really no hurry. You've got years to meet your Little, if it is what God has in store. :)