

It has been almost 3 weeks since I've posted - wow. I didn't realize that.... although nothing has been particularly blog worthy lately, so it really isn't a big surprise. And since I *still* don't have much to say, I will go back to my alphabet posts. I'm only on the letter "J."
I'm going to go ahead and say that J is for "junk drawer." I am kind of embarrassed to share this with you, because it makes me look a little mentally unbalanced. Although I might be kind of mentally unbalanced, so who cares.

For some reason, every time I buy something new, I throw the receipt, tag and extra button in the top drawer of my vanity. At first, I guess I did it in case I wanted to return it or something. Then it just became habit. I don't know why I do it. It is weird, right? I guess by now there are 5 years worth of tags. Stein Mart, Macy's and Ross appear to be the biggest offenders.

Maybe I will go through that drawer someday soon. I do want to put all the buttons in my sewing kit, so that is my goal. We'll see.

So - just in case you were starting to get the misguided impression that I am the type of person that has it all together, remember that we ALL have some sort of junk drawer in our life.


Knitrageous said...

Well I got excited when I saw it was 'J', ha ha! I just filled a jar with buttons from those little bags. Didn't keep the tags but have every little button I think I've ever encountered! Don't know what some of them would even replace now!

sarahsmile3 said...

I'm calling the producers of Hoarders. This is ridiculous.

Just kidding. Everyone is allowed one junk drawer.
: )

Jessica said...

Step 1: Find a cute cigar box.
Step 2: Put all your buttons in it.
Step 3: Throw away all tags.
Step 4: Put cigar box in drawer.

I can be organized when I want to be. At least you have a "junk drawer" and not a "junk three shelves of entertainment center." :)